A support class with:
Active skills like:
- Inspire: Raises Critical Chance on group for a period of time
- Tempt: Distracts enemies but they don't attack target
- Devotion: Causes an enemy to fight against their allies for a period of time
- Grovel: Ensnares an enemy as a follower for a period of time
Passive skills like:
- Night of Passion: Allows players to proposition players while in bars. They agree to a price, see an animation of a door closing and can log out. When they log back in they both get a buff and coin has exchanged hands. The buff amount depends on the skill level.
- Sweetalk: A chance that guards will let you off with a warning
- Distraction: Being near an NPC will allow them to be more easily pickpocketed.
- Allure: Gives the player the passive skill to get a percentage off of the asking price from specific merchants.
This wouldn't be a blatantly overtly sexual skill... and could include other support type skills. These were just my initial ideas.
This could require an additional attribute set to be added to NPCs: sexual orientation. A male Khajiit merchant might be attracted to male Orcs and if you are playing a male Orc and have the Allure skill, you just happen to get a percentage off of that specific merchant’s wares and are paid better for your items. The orientation would never be explicitly known to players and this could be used for a future update where players would be allowed to woo, court, and marry an NPC.